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[日托] 大瀑布Downtown最好的Daycare日托 Kids & Company Niagara Queen

KidsandCo 发表于 2016-7-22 02:42:59 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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可申请政府的childcare subsidy!
Our Kids & Company Niagara centre is located at the corner of Queen and Ontario street, just next to City Hall. We have 4 classrooms and can accommodate up to 57 children ranging from infant to 5 years. Our centre is always filled with smiling faces, both from our children and our fantastic staff. We take both pleasure and pride in seeing all of our children reach their milestones, as they grow and transition through our programs. Our incredible team of teachers work together to form a strong support network for our families, in addition to a nurturing learning environment for our children. Some of our staff have been providing child care in this building for over 30 years!

Infant Room
  • A stimulating setting that encourages exploration and learning
  • Interactive toys that develop gross motor skills
  • Nurturing Educators support and encourage your child to explore their surroundings
  • A wide variety of experiences available including music and movement, sensory activities and art that combine fun with learning
  • Focus on making children comfortable and secure while promoting independence

Toddler Room
  • A safe environment promoting exploration and independence
  • Creative materials help develop creativity, fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination
  • learning materials encourage self-directed play. Toddlers interact with their peers and develop strong social skills at an early age

Pre-school room
  • Inviting and warm surroundings that encourages children to engage in the world around them
  • Toys and equipment are available for teaching children about sharing and refining social skills
  • Various activities, games and puzzles are introduced to develop cognitive skills
  • Natural light keeps the space energized

School-age room
  • A social setting that develops a healthy attitude towards learning
  • Interactive books, games and videos play a key rold in enhancing cognitive development and mental acuteness
  • Emphasis on arts, self expressions and respecting individualism

  • Through play, all areas of development are enhanced
  • A fun area with interactive equipment and activities for children to explore, under the safe supervision of Educators

Programs Offered
  • Full-time Newborn to 5-years old child care
  • Part-time Newborn to 5-years old child care
  • Toddler and Preschool half day Enrichment Program according to space availability
  • Kindergarten Full Day Program
  • Birthday Parties

Kids & Company Niagara Queen
4342 Queen Street
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 7J7



Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 6:00 pm

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GB007 发表于 2016-7-24 09:49:39 | 只看该作者
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