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Our Lady of Fatima Shrine – Lewiston, New York (FREE)                                                                                       

Since 1954, Our Lady of Fatima Shrine has become a place of natural beauty, art, communal prayer, and renewal to thousands who visit the unique buildings and grounds each year. The magnificence and natural beauty of the Shrine is highlighted by an awe-inspiring Dome Basilica covered with two layers of glass and Plexiglas, with a contour of the Northern Hemisphere of the globe.

The impressive approach to the Basilica is down the Avenue of the Saints (over one hundred life-size marble statues represent Saints from every race and walk of life) and around the serenity of the Rosary Pool. Two flights of stairs, with 63 steps, lead to the top of the Dome, where, in graceful majesty, stands a huge statue of Our Lady of Fatima.
The statue, carved from Vermont granite, is 13 feet high and weighs ten tons. From the top of the Dome, visitors can view the entire Shrine grounds and surrounding countryside.
Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima
Address: 1023 Swann Rd., Lewiston, NY
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 167, Youngstown, NY 14174-0167
Phone: 716-754-7489
Fax: 716-754-9130
Website: www.fatimashrine.com
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newshanghai 发表于 2017-9-27 05:08:55 | 只看该作者
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