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[本地] 大瀑布的Cheeky Monkeys儿童室内游乐场将扩大近三倍面积

仁心育人 发表于 2017-10-25 11:26:07 .. | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Niagara Falls Expansion Details
We are expanding to include the unit next to us (formerly Simply Fit Gym). This will increase the size of the playground from 6,000 to 15,000 square feet!!!

That will be about double the size of Zippy Zoom in Welland!

Most of the renovations will take place in the neighboring unit and the current Playground will remain open throughout the entire renovations, except near the end for a couple of days when the wall between the units comes down.

We will be posting on Facebook updates of the renovations and showcasing the new play equipment and letting everyone know exactly when the Grand Opening will be, sometime early this winter.

Check out the pics below of the rough looking new unit which will soon become a bright new playground full of smiling children. Can't wait!

The Jessop Family

Zippy Zoom Indoor Playground
Zippy Zoom Inflatables
Cheeky Monkeys' Indoor Playland

3 Locations in the Niagara Region
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