你是否听闻或经历这样的境遇:刚刚投资一处物业,却迟迟找不到租客?又或者满怀期待的签约一个租客后,却面临收租困难,甚至每月面临损失?再或者你为自己的学生出租屋辛苦付出,往返于多伦多和瀑布地区,本来的理性投资,忽然变成一个人生负担? 如果您正经历着这一切,那么请耐心读完这篇文章。因为,这其中可能有帮您解决问题的答案!
Niagara瀑布地区,近5年来最受安省居民青睐的移居和投资目的地之一。在金马蹄地区,继2017年4月21日出台海外买家税政策后,瀑布地区的房屋市场独立于GTA地区,出现了不降反增的态势。得益于接壤美国的优越地理位置;自由贸易区的建立;长期被低估的市场价值;以及每年超过1200万游客的丰富旅游资源。在众多投资类型的物业中,Air B&B在近两年更是一枝独秀, 不仅整个产业迅速发展,个体投资人也收获颇丰。
Why vacation rental?
举例来说,一个靠近伊利湖地区的价值32万元加币的物业,除去日常运营费用,全年收益可达2-2.5万加币。如果按照35%首付的现金投入。全年投资回报约在17%-22%。除去地税,保险和贷款利息等固定成本。一年的收益也在12%以上。 那么对于投资者来说,我们应该如何在瀑布地区选择合适的Air B&B呢?以下的房屋属性可以使您的房产变成更有吸引力的度假屋: ---房屋周围有步行可到达的旅游景点(Cliffon Hill,滨湖尼亚加拉小镇市中心,水晶海滩)---房屋临湖或者临河
---下面提到的几个区域内的房产:尼亚加拉瀑布城,滨湖尼亚加拉小镇,ridgeway,水晶沙滩,queenston 和wanfleet
除了传统的名宿以外,短期度假租赁还可以有哪些形式? Corporate Housing
Niagara Smart Stays has a peak season between May and October. In this peak season we enjoy approximately an 80% - 90%occupancy rate. We could achieve higher occupancy rates but we find that four day stays generate more revenue than seven day stays.
In addition to vacation rentals Niagara Smart Stays has a complementary business in corporate housing. Our clientbase comes from the local manufacturing industry as well as incoming business travellers for a variety of reasons.
NSS服务的核心是年收益较高的度假屋的出租托管服务。除了度假屋的托管服务,NSS还有一套完整的为公司提供员工住房出租的商业模式------corporatestay公司租用房。NSS 会基于房屋本身条件及房主个人意愿,在度假屋租赁的淡季将房屋出租给有需要的公司作为员工住房。这项服务的目标客户群主要是本地制造业公司及商务差旅人士。
Niagara Smart Stays main focus is vacation rental properties as it drives the highest possible revenue but we also have a secondary business model called Corporate Stays. Based upon the property and the “Home Owners” (Investor) preference we may put a vacation property as a corporate stay for a period of time generally during the off season.
Our Corporate Housing side of the business generally caters to:
- Closing date buffers for Real Estate Agents - People who move to the Niagara Region for work assignments - Insurance claims (Floods, Renovations, etc)
公司租用房还可以迎合以下需求: - 被房屋买卖交割日期困扰的客户 - 因公来瀑布地区短期居住的人士 - 申报房屋保险索赔的房主(洪水,装修)
In general, corporate housing is for a minimum of 28 day term and can be extended indefinitely. We can charge a credit card or take an interac e-transfer or company cheque. Corporate stays is a niche market which provides all the conveniences and comforts of a full service hotel with many other benefits to the customer that a hotel stay can not offer. Linen service, catering, group meeting areas, for corporate team building or family gatherings, just to name a few.
Who we are: Niagara Smart Stays
Niagara Smart Stays is reinventing vacation rental management by offering homeowners better performance, lower fees and unrivaled flexibility. Our marketing and reservation systems allow us to leverage several hundred leading websites to outperform traditional property managers with a positive financial impact. Our network of on-the-ground partners are available to handle everything from housekeeping to maintenance. The real estate results are unprecedented and it exceeds the expectations of even the best performing portfolios.
Niagara Smart Stay是一家致力于为私房屋主提供优质服务,低廉价格,高度灵活性的度假屋出租管理公司。我们的营销和预定系统使我们能够在数百家传统物业托管公司中以良好的回报率优势脱颖而出。我们在本地的合作伙伴可以帮您解决从家政管理到房屋维护的一切后顾之忧。NSS 会为您带来超过您预期的前所未有的服务体验。
不论是普通住宅,还是高端别墅,我们都能为您创造高于平均水平的收益 扫描二维码观看高端名宿视频
How we manage your house? 我们如何管理您的房屋? 软件实时更新,经营状况尽在掌握 14年专业管理团队 List of Furnishings Kitchen/Bedroom/Misc Inventory List for Investor Set-Up: 厨房/卧室物品购置清单 家居陈设清单 ---沙发,茶几,装饰品,床,衣柜,镜子,电视等等 ---其他生活必备品
获取更多资讯,可在下方留言给我们 名宿买卖与管理咨询,请联系瀑布地区探索地产