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带你一起穿越历史!- 伊利堡Mewinzha画廊

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Fort Erie Mewinzha Gallery – A Journey Back in Time (FREE)

This gallery honours the First Peoples who lived, traded and created a flint-knapping industry on this site. Mewinzha is a native word meaning “a long time ago”. Mewinzha – “A Journey Back in Time” features tools and weapons dating back 11,000 years as well as contemporary Native artwork. Mewinzha (pronounced mawinja), is an Anishinawbek word meaning “a journey to a long time ago.” The gallery was named this since Fort Erie has been inhabited for more than 10,000 years.
The Buffalo-Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority in partnership with the Town of Fort Erie, Fort Erie Museum Services and the Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre have produced this gallery as the centrepiece of the lobby of the new Peace Bridge Administration Building. When the Peace Bridge Authority decided to build a new administration building on Queen Street, they also decided to include a museum exhibit honouring the building of the Peace Bridge and Fort Erie’s aboriginal history.
Working with Terry Heard Designers, ASI was asked to select the display objects, provide text introducing the gallery’s themes as well as descriptions of each of the artifacts and illustrations used and to design a diorama showing the excavation of a dog burial.
Address: 100 Queen Street (at Central) Fort Erie
Gallery admission is free. Open Mon. to Fri. 9-4:30

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