㈠ 如何缓解压力
1. 告诉知心朋友(Confide in a friend.)
2. 散步(Take a walk);
3. 听你喜欢的音乐( Listen to music you like);
4. 深呼吸(Take a deep breath);
5. 制定计划并行动(Develop a plan and act on it);
6. 去锻炼身体(Exercise);
7. 相信自己的判断(Trust your judgment)
8. 享受自然之美(Enjoy beauty of nature);
9. 不要过度操心(Stop worrying);
10. 想象自己在一个放松的氛围之下(Picture yourself in a relaxed mood.)
㈡ 如何解决冲突
1. 用中间人,调解人(Use a mediator or referee);
2. 听对方观点(Listen to the other person's point of view);
3. 讲你的想法明确地,平静地告诉给对方(Share your side clearly and calmly);
4. 替别人想想(Put yourself in other person's shoes);
5. 诚实地表达你的感受(Express your feelings honestly);
6. 确保你真的了解问题所在(Make sure you understand the problem);
7. 轮流诉说,不打断对方(Let each side speak without interruption);
8. 适当妥协(Compromise:give a little, gain a little);
9. 寻找双赢解决方案(Find a win-win solution);
10. 如果这些都不行的话,寻求专家建议(If all else fails, seek expert advice).