拿破仑·希尔(Napoleon Hill)在他的经典著作《思考致富》(Think and Grow Rich)提到过富人的十大特征,看看你具备不?
1.富人相信贫穷是万恶之源。Rich people believe poverty is the root of all evils.
2.他们认为自私可以是一种美德。They also believe selfishness can be a virtue.
3.他们十分具有行动力。They have very strong executive force.
4.他们拥有专业的知识。They have professional knowledge.
5.他们对未来有梦想。They have big hopes for the future.
6. 他们富有激情。They are passionate.
7. 他们喜欢挑战。They like meeting challenges.
8. 他们能利用别人的钱。They are able to make good use of others’ money.
9. 他们专注于赚钱,而不是储蓄。They focus on making money, not saving money.
10. 他们知道什么时候冒风险。They know when to take risks.